Monday, 19 March 2012

Anger, Tears and Headshots...

Sunday 12th saw my 3rd shoot in 3 days.  This one however was more of a personal nature than the 2 previous.  This one was to capture my head-shots for 'Spotlight' and present a range of emotions for my acting work.  My photographer of choice for this project was Paul Silver... A friend I have worked with numerous times and who knew I would not only feel completely comfortable baring my soul with but a photographer I knew who would also capture it at it's most beautiful. so first things first... Those damn head-shots!

I did a variation of 'hair up' and hair down shots in order to give myself a range of options when marketing myself.  The standard mean n moody expressionless shots were pretty quick to capture.  The subtle smile shots however proved a different matter entirely... With Paul eventually shooting me several times with his £4 Nerf gun! Y'know what... Worked a treat! LOL! :oD Below are some of the results.

Next up was the section I expected to be hardest... The grief shot! Not so... Seems I could detach and get into character quite quickly and Paul captured a series of shots that although painful to look at are stunning to behold for a true snapshot of human pain.  I am personally very proud of these and am pleased to say I switched back to normal instantly.

I say instantly... Though I went a little further than that. Pulling of a series of happy shots which were quite the contrast and following through to explore further emotions such as anger, curiosity, lust and determination amongst others.

Aside of being a thoroughly enjoyable shoot which is always the case when working with Paul it was also one of the most difficult and intense projects I have undertaken, given the drain on myself emotionally. I don't go easy when getting in character that's for sure.  But it is without question one of my most favourite collections of photo's I've ever produced, which not only tested me as a model but stretched me as an actor and left me with no doubt that there is far far more within me to explore.  I truly look forward to sharing my innermost self through both modelling and acting as I continue forward in my career.

Thank you again to the legend that is Paul Silver who I highly recommend you commission for work.  His results speak for themselves and always enable me to be captured at my best :)

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